Focusing On Light, Photographer Dimitri Keungueu Captures The Frenzy of Midtown in his 8am /8pm Project

New Yorker Dim Ke has spent the last two years, since moving to the big apple, developing and honing his skills as a street photographer. In his photo project, which he calls 8am /8pm, Ke captures the frenzy of midtown workers going to and from work – a necessity of his life, being a family man and having a demanding job. His work features a very high contrast black and white look, a focus on light and dark that he says is an important aspect of his style. “I like to play with daylight.” Ke tells The Phoblographer, “Because most of my shots are on my way to work, I started to become used to the light and to understand which spot was more interesting for me at a certain time in the morning.”